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The Ever-Straight Picture Hanger for Perfect Groupings of Framed Art


Slide adjustable TrackMaster® Picture Hangers for wood or metal frames can be used to easily create simple or complex groupings in a matter of minutes. Even professional hangers need to make adjustments after measuring - but with TrackMaster® Picture Hangers, repositioning hardware to get frames perfectly aligned is not necessary. TrackMaster also reduces the time needed for installing groupings and multiple frames by 2/3 of the time needed - it's faster than any other system!


Precise groupings are possible with TrackMaster® Picture Hangers because it is not necessary to locate wall studs in order to install framed art in drywall.  Read more about special features!


Side-by-side picture frame groupings









                                               Vertical framed art groupings




Simple picture frame groupings













Complex framed art groupings













Contact us at 866.296.2130 or email us at

TrackMaster® picture frame hanging systems are exclusively distributed through VIC Corp. dba Craftics®.

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